here is the info file from Dime
Another SwissBird, SimplexSimplicissimus and superMAX
SBD quality jazz show
Pharoah Sanders Group
Auditorio RSI
18 september 2004
01 – Sun in Acquarius (28:31)
02 – Kazuko (17:12)
03 – The creator has a master plan (08:03)
01 – Bedria/Boffadem/Country Mile/The creator has a master plan (48:34)
02 – Dorita (06:20)
Pharoah Sanders: tenor sax
Orrin Evans: piano
Matt Garrison: bass
Will Calhoun: drums, percussions
Artwork included. Titles and tracking questionable.
This one is especially meant for el-lixir, a Pharoah connaisseur; hopefully carville will enjoy it too.
Another special dedication goes to all the other fine folks who are filling EZT with the cosmic Ra vibes, you know who you are! Keep ’em coming…
Never for sale, do not turn into mp3 or silver boot