Mix 12 – Magick

Mix 12: Magick

01 Abused / Watch Out

02 Brainbombs / Anal Desire

03 Last Rights / Chunks

04 The Dicks / Little Boy Feet

05 Jook / Different Class

06 Roy Junior / VIctim of Circumstances

07 Scientists / Frantic Romantic

08 Supernaut / The Kids Are Out Tonight

09 Lou Christie / She Sold Me Magic

10 Shirley J. Scott / Goose Pimples

11 The Shangri-Las / Out In the Streets

12 Chrysalis / Summer In Your Savage Eyes

13 Dave Bixby / Drug Song

Made by Max G. Morton.

mag.ic [maj-ik]


01 the art of producing illusions as entertainment by the use of sleight of hand, deceptive devices, etc.; legerdemain; conjuring: to pull a rabbit out of a hat by magic

02 the art of producing a desired effect or result through the use of incantation or various other techniques that presumably assure human control of supernatural agencies or the forces of nature. Compare contagious magic, imitative magic, sympathetic magic.

03 the use of this art: Magic, it was believed, could drive illness from the body.

04 the effects produced: the magic of recovery.

05 power or influence exerted through this art: a wizard of great magic.

06 any extraoridnary or mystical influence, charm, power, ec.: the magic in the great name: the magic of music: the magic of spring.

07 (initial capital letter) the U.S. code name for information from decrypting machine-enciphered Japanese wireless messages before and during World War II.

Phrasal Verb(s)

look for

01 To search for; seek: looking for my gloves.

02 To expect: Look for a change of weather in March.