
A month ago I read this strata post by Jan Heine, the Bike Quarterly guy: “Amazing course so close to the city – thank you Steve for scouting it.”  In the comments he noted that no permits were required and that the roads were  all open to the public even though it cut through the …

# No Trails

Many of the routes we ride are designed to maximize the distance on bike trails in order to avoid traffic and to take advantage of the easy grades left by ancient railroad builders.  Riding in the age of contagion changes things.  Now the roads are almost devoid of traffic and the trails are closed but …

I-90 Routes

Inspired by the 520 Bridge page I put up last year, here is an I-90 page. I didn’t exactly replicate the format – while all of these rides start at the Mt. Baker Tunnel East Portal Viewpoint, some of them don’t cross the bridge.  I’ve tried not to reproduce rides I plotted out on the …

2019: Ibis ==> Rohloff

The Continuing Conversion of The Ibis Here is the story of the acquisition of our Ibis Forte, it’s restoration and the later upgrade of the drivetrain to a Rene Herse 10-speed triple. Here is a post about shearing off the tabs on that Rene Herse spider. Here is a series of posts about converting a …

2019 Mazama Ride

here’s the original letter:   Mazama 2019:  June 29-30          Marblemount-to-Mazama (and back) RIDE INSTRUCTIONS     To get to Marblemount from Seattle:  2-hour drive Two ways to get to Marblemount: Take I-5 to Arlington. At Hwy. 530, go east. At Darrington, continue north on Hwy 530, then turn east on Hwy 20 at Rockport. …

2019 Corsica

From the 24th of May through the 8th of June, Jerry and Odette travelled to Corsica (with a few days in Paris on the way back.)   After some negotiation about destination and some work with google to find a local travel agent, we decided to spend a couple of weeks in Corsica in 2019. …