Avalanche Story

September 5, 1996 To:              The Mountaineers Board of Trustees From:          Jerry Scott, DB, KC Subject:       Red Mountain Accident Investigation _____________________________________________________________ The following is the report from the committee formed to investigate the events on May 19, 1996 when an avalanche hit a party of eleven Mountaineers on an Alpine Scrambles trip …

Alpine Lakes 2005

ALPINE LAKES 2005, or: Dr. B471l< and the 1337 H1l<3R5   I started off in the spring of 2005 thinking about doing a backpack into the Dutch Miller peaks. My plan was to hike the East Fork Foss trail through the Necklace Valley, scramble up to La Bohn lakes and then walk over to Williams …

Holden 2003

RETURN TO HOLDEN: LAKES AND LADIES BACKPACK August 23, 2003. Hot. Dry. Seattle’s been almost sixty days without rain. Big fires in BC and the Pasayten. Labor Day’s a week away. School’s about to start. Will and I take off for another extended backpack. This year Odette wants to come with us… Will’s big enough …

Devils Loop Equipment

Tent – we took a two man, three season tent, (a North Face Bullfrog) that weighs about four pounds. It kept us dry. I carried it. Space blanket – Will carried this to protect the floor of the tent – I carried it after the first day. Sleeping bags – I carried a synthetic fill …

Spider Gap Equipment

Tent – we took a two man, three season tent, (a North Face Bullfrog) that weighs about four pounds. I carried it. Space blanket – Will carried this to protect the floor of the tent. Sleeping bags – We each carried a synthetic fill sleeping bag stuffed into a Lowe attack nylon summit pack that …


The Picket Range – August 6 – 13, 2004 The mountains in the Picket Range got good names. Luna. Fury. Phantom. Terror. Challenger. Everybody that writes about them seems to start out by commenting on that. The Picket that they’re named after was Captain George Pickett – a distant relative of mine who became famous …


KENDALL PEAK JUNE 5, 1999   I remember early in my climbing career hearing Dan Davis, one of these Northwest climbing legends, describe Mountaineering as a "blood sport". He said that if I was serious about it either I would get killed or someone I knew would get killed.. I heard what he had to …

Climbing Basics

THE BASIC CLIMBING STORY I grew up in a little mountain town in eastern Oregon and I spend quite a bit of time outdoors as a kid. I hunted with my dad from an early age and most of the attraction of the hunt was the tramping around in the woods and the camping.   I …

2024 Bend Bikeways

From May 15th to May 22nd Jerry and Odette rode day trips on the tandem out of Bend, Oregon.               Back around the beginning of 2024 Odette and I settled on a tandem trip to Scandinavia in 2024 – the thinking being that we ought to get in some …

2023 – Portugal

From September 26th to October 17th Jerry and Odette rode the tandem on a loop in Southern Portugal, followed by a week of sightseeing in Lisbon  Odette wanted to go to Portugal.  It seemed like everyone we knew was going there this year.  She settled on Elsewhere (the Lonely Planet product) based on their website and …