Handlebar Bags

My first handlebar bag was made by Serratus, a captive manufacturer owned by MEC. It was pure simplicity with a low-tech quick release bracket. It’s totally waterproof, it matches my panniers, and it doesn’t require a rack or metal frame and the mount is really secure. Here are a couple of images of the mounting …

Will’s Mountain Bike

I thought that it would be fun to turn Will’s little red Novara Amiga into a bike that was actually useful. I went to Recycled Cycles to see how much a full-sized used frame would cost and found a new 18 inch Raleigh aluminum frame for $20. I bought it and took everything off of …

Goat Rocks Books

Goat Rocks Book List Fred Beckey – Cascade Alpine Guide – Columbia River to Stevens Pass: overview p. 69, sketch map p. 70, Ives & Old Snowy p. 71, Curtis Gilbert p. 22, North Fork Tieton River Road p. 328, South Fork Tieton River Road p. 330, Goat Rocks section of the crest trail p. …

Goat Rocks 2004

GOAT ROCKS LOOP   2004 did not start auspiciously.  PASC sold to ACS in January.  The euphoria and hard work of making the deal happen were quickly replaced by the struggle to adapt to big-company policies and loss of personal control.  I skipped the Phoenician in January to teach snowboarding to adolescents at Snoqualmie Pass.  …

Holden 2003

RETURN TO HOLDEN: LAKES AND LADIES BACKPACK August 23, 2003. Hot. Dry. Seattle’s been almost sixty days without rain. Big fires in BC and the Pasayten. Labor Day’s a week away. School’s about to start. Will and I take off for another extended backpack. This year Odette wants to come with us… Will’s big enough …

Spider Gap 2000

SPIDER GAP TO HOLDEN The week before labor day in 2000 Will and I hiked from Phelps Creek to Holden. On Saturday morning Odette dropped us off at the Phelps creek trailhead (about three miles from the old mining town of Trinity.) It was a day of broken clouds with a forecast of unsettled weather …

Enchantments 1999

ENCHANTMENTS, PART I Will and I backpacked into the Enchantments from July 17 to July 23 1999. Will was eleven years old then. Here is a picture of Will at Leprechaun Lake. The first day Odette dropped us off at the snow lake trail head and we hiked to Nada lake – six and a …


The Picket Range – August 6 – 13, 2004 The mountains in the Picket Range got good names. Luna. Fury. Phantom. Terror. Challenger. Everybody that writes about them seems to start out by commenting on that. The Picket that they’re named after was Captain George Pickett – a distant relative of mine who became famous …

Hundred Highest

Washington’s 100 highest In Search of Higher Ground – Washington’s Top 100 by John Lixvar (Lizard) This essay, reprinted from an earlier Echo, is an excerpt from John Lixvar’s forthcoming book on "Climbing Washington’s 100 Highest Peaks". In order to appease the impatient publishers at Mountaineer Books, Lizard is looking for contributions and/or volunteers to …

25 Questions

As Reprinted from FOCUS Magazine — January 5, 1983 The 25 most difficult questions you’ll be asked on a job interview Being prepared is half the battle. If you are one of those executive types unhappy at your present post and embarking on a New Year’s resolution to find a new one, here’s a helping …