Recent Rides 2017

Bike Log (other years)   12/31 – Interurban to 100th to Meridian.  Across I-5 and Lake City Way on 115th to Bartlett and 125th to the Burke Gilman and Juanita Way to 153rd to Simonds to 100th to 145th to 105thand Norway Hill.  Tolt Pipeline Trail across I-405 and down to Woodinville-Redmond Rd. and the Sammamish Waterway trail.   Evergreen’s “Thrilla” route on the power line trail to the Redmond Watershed …

Recent Rides 2016

  (other years)   12/31 – Fremont to Dexter to 2nd to Waterfront Trail to  West Seattle Loop.    Home via the Locks and the Golden Gardens.  Here’s a map.  40 miles on the Ibis with Odette.  (Q4 split = 12,621 with 4,369 on the tandem) 12/30 – Interurban trail to I-5 crossing at Maple,  Manor Way to 164th;  168th to Olympic View to Edmonds and Woodway to Innis …

2015 Ladakh

From July 23 to August 5, 2015 Jerry and Will travelled in Ladakh Will has done some epic bike trips with other graduate students in his program – notably his trip to China in 2013.  He and a classmate named Ravi Bhoraskar had talked for some time about riding in the Indian Himalayas, but nothing …

Recent Rides 2015

    (other years) 12/31 – Chilberg and Dodge Valley Rd. out of La Conner to Best Rd. to Conway.  Pioneer Highway to Stanwood.  Marine View Dr. to Marysville.  Sunnyside to  Hewitt Avenue Trestle to Pacific and 41st to the Interurban Trail. Home via Fremont and 1st Ave. NW.  Here’s the map.  79 miles on the Ibis with Odette. …