More I-90

The new bridge on the I-90 trail won’t have the kind of impact that the 520 bridge had, but it got me thinking about rides out I-90. Here is a group of selected rides that start at the Mt. Baker Tunnel East Portal viewpoint that give an idea of the variety available for day trips. …

Issaquah Variations

  I-90 Routes   The thing that these routes have in common is that they start at the Mt. Baker Tunnel East Portal Viewpoint and they go past the Rogue Brewpub in Issaquah Inglewood – 46.3 miles, 1,745 ft. Fall City – 50.7 miles, 3,190 ft. Squak – 46.7 miles, 3,458 ft. Cedar Grove – …

I-90 Routes

Inspired by the 520 Bridge page I put up last year, here is an I-90 page. I didn’t exactly replicate the format – while all of these rides start at the Mt. Baker Tunnel East Portal Viewpoint, some of them don’t cross the bridge.  I’ve tried not to reproduce rides I plotted out on the …

I-90 Trail

Another bit of progress on eastside trails. (I’d seen the land use signs last year but didn’t realize that they’d made this much progress:) There will be a tunnel where the trail goes under the 405/I-90 ramps (which allows them to widen the Factoria Blvd exit from eastbound I=90.)  There will be a bridge over …

Recent rides 2020

  (other years)   12/31 – 1st NW to 56th to 4th to the Ballard Greenway at 58th.   Burke Gilman to  Ravena to the Ravenna bypass to Greenlake to Winona to 73rd to Greenwood and home on 62nd.  Here’s the map.  15 miles on the Ibis with Odette.  (Q4 split = 14,200 with 4,989 tandem) 12/30 – Fremont to …


When we got back from Tibet I reassembled the bikes and decided to keep the “lowriders” on my Rodriguez.  (FWIW, Nitto calls them “hub area racks.”)  During the trip I’d mounted them directly to the fork and they overlapped the axel so that I had to remove the skewer every time I needed to dismount …