
I read about AllofMP3 in a Wall Street Journal article and almost immediately set up an account and started buying albums. At that point songs cost maybe 10 cents and albums went for about a dollar. They doubled the price on me and I wasn’t happy but it was still a lot better than itunes. …

Stamp Essay

My father was born in 1909, the son of a South Dakota ditch-digger. Somehow he made it to college and ironically enough his first job after graduating was constructing the sewage system in a CCC camp somewhere in Wyoming. He taught math and shop, got trained as a machinist and ended up making prototypes for …

Stamp Email

I need to sell my father’s stamp collection. It’s actually more of an inventory than a “collection” since it consists of about 75,000 stamps. Here are the things I think are the most important about these stamps: About 400 US mint sheets representing approximately 20,000 stamps, and about 1,000 US plate blocks representing approximately 10,000 …


This page describes an accumulation of stamps. It is intended to give viewers a way to appreciate the extent and nature of the collection. On the COLLECTION page you will find a list of the twelve boxes that made up the collection and a description of their contents. There used to be a search page where …

Expanded Resume

Jerry Scott 6260 First Avenue NW Seattle, WA  98107 (206) 784-9815 (206) 276-5276 (cell)   Objective: Senior Management Position with an Entrepreneurial Company Professional Experience   NAVOSSeattle, WAJuly 2007 – present Chief Operating Officer Implemented new budgeting process and systems Re-engineered procurement process Participated in county workgroup designing crisis diversion program, chaired site selection …

Book Preset Searches

PRESET SEARCHES   Audrey Salkeld   WPA guides   Jill Neate   Biking and Puget Sound   Fred Beckey   Geology & Hiking   Harvey Manning   Europe & Climbing   Phil Woodhouse   Biking & British Columbia   Bob or Carl Dreisbach   Puget Sound & Hiking   Ira Spring (including his photos)   …

Book Keywords

KEY WORD SEARCHES. climbing – all books about getting to the top of stuff climb guide – "where to" guides climb technique – "how to" books climb gear – small number of books about hardware climb literature – literature (mainly climbing narratives) about climbing, much of it away from the Cascades hiking – all books …