Bailey Range Books

Olympic Mountain Rescue – Climbers Guide to the Olympic Mountains (3rd ed.)  Description of the traverse starts on p. 234.  Section on Olympus starts on p. 163.  Carrie is on p. 181, Pulitzer & Clild on p.183.  The scans are from Alexe’s newer edition. Robert Wood – Olympic Mountains Trail Guide.  Description of the traverse is …


  December 14, 2008 – January 3, 2009 Odette, Jerry & Will travel in China   Here are the images     So Will was studying at Beijing University, spending a term in a language/exchange program run by Pitzer.  He agreed to travel with us if Odette and I came to China while he was …

South Ingalls Peak

July 26, 2008 Jerry, Alex & Carrie climb South Ingalls Peak   Left Seattle at 6:00, left the Esmerelda trailhead at 8:00, reached the high-point at 11:30, back to the car by 3:30, back to Seattle at 5:00. first time out with new boots.  picked up by a girl at the lake looking for a …

Vancouver Island 2008

Rail Trail Memorial Day   Over a long Memorial Day weekend in 2008 Odette and I went to Vancouver Island and rode 200 miles to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary. On a wet Friday morning we drove to Olympia and rode the Chehalis Western trail to the junction with Yelm – Tenino trail.  It rained …

monte cristo bibliography

MONTE CRISTO BOOK LIST Beckey, Fred (Edited by Sainsbury, George). Climber’s Guide to the Cascade and Olympic Mountains of Washington by a Committee of the Cascade Section of the American Alpine Club. With Illustrations by Dee Molenaar. Beckey, Fred. Cascade Alpine Guide 2: Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass, Climbing and High Routes. Clark, Norman. Mill …