Recent Rides 2006

2006 (OTHER YEARS) 12/31 Lakeside Circle, 10 miles on touring bikes with Odette. (twelve month split = 2,052 with 777 on the tandem.) 10/28 Interurban trail to Green River, Green River trail to Algona (basically the route in #98 in Woods Southwest Washington except that I got back onto R street in Auburn and went …

Interurban Green River

Here is a link to the green river trail on the King County website.  This trail meanders along the river dikes from Ft. Dent in Tukwilla to South of downtown Kent where it intersects the Interurban Trail  The route is only on streets a little way and those are almost entirely without traffic.  It goes behind office parks …


SELECTED 100 MILE DAY TRIPS Interurban North – Snohomish – Monroe – Fall City – I-90 Interurban Century North watch out for traffic near the intersection with Novelty Hill road.  (Issaquah-Fall City evidently isn’t a good descent – this route takes Highlands, others recommend Black Nugget) Duwamish – Interurban South – Green Rriver – East …

Gulf Islands

FOUR DAYS IN THE GULF ISLANDS JUNE 23 – 26, 2005   June 23rd – Thursday   Ferry left Tsawwassen at 10:00 AM, arrived at Galiano Island at 10:50 AM Left Seattle about 5:30. No issues getting into Canada. Took the wrong exit and drove the Ladner Trunk Road to the causeway. Parked in the …

2002 STP Training

TRAINING FOR THE 2002 STP Here are the results of our training program: Week Weekly goal Ridden Routes & Conflicts 3/30 30 26 Burke – Gillman (home to Mathews Beach Park and back) 4/6 50 0 (PSIA-NW Spring Symposium) 4/13 70 0 (NYC) 4/20 90 12 Bike to School (Home to Lakeside via Freemont and …

WTA Cispus Pass

Sep 08, 2001 by LVHDLM Pacific Crest #2000,Lilly Basin #86,Goat Rocks,Old Snowy,By-pass #97,Mount Curtis Gilbert,Ives Peak,Snowgrass #96,Goat Ridge #95 – The South Cascades 7-9 September 2001. Backpacked from “Berry Patch” trailhead at end of F. S. 2150 to a campsite on the Lily Basin Trail in the area named “Alpine” on maps. The trail is …

Goat Rocks 2004

GOAT ROCKS LOOP   2004 did not start auspiciously.  PASC sold to ACS in January.  The euphoria and hard work of making the deal happen were quickly replaced by the struggle to adapt to big-company policies and loss of personal control.  I skipped the Phoenician in January to teach snowboarding to adolescents at Snoqualmie Pass.  …

Hundred Highest

Washington’s 100 highest In Search of Higher Ground – Washington’s Top 100 by John Lixvar (Lizard) This essay, reprinted from an earlier Echo, is an excerpt from John Lixvar’s forthcoming book on "Climbing Washington’s 100 Highest Peaks". In order to appease the impatient publishers at Mountaineer Books, Lizard is looking for contributions and/or volunteers to …

Book Keywords

KEY WORD SEARCHES. climbing – all books about getting to the top of stuff climb guide – "where to" guides climb technique – "how to" books climb gear – small number of books about hardware climb literature – literature (mainly climbing narratives) about climbing, much of it away from the Cascades hiking – all books …