2010 problems

Seattle Times Originally published May 20, 2010 at 10:01 PM | Page modified May 21, 2010 at 12:09 PM Bike to work with care: Key danger zones Friday is the annual National Bike to Work Day, and we’ve highlighted some of the hazardous places in the Seattle area for bike riders. By Mike Lindblom Seattle …


  December 14, 2008 – January 3, 2009 Odette, Jerry & Will travel in China   Here are the images     So Will was studying at Beijing University, spending a term in a language/exchange program run by Pitzer.  He agreed to travel with us if Odette and I came to China while he was …

Mudd article

  From the Mudd Website:  "Two-Wheeled Creativity in Motion" What has two wheels, elevated pedals in the rear, no seat and a prone rider? …Give up? It’s a quirky bike modified by innovative HMC students. Marc Badger ’10 and Will Scott ’10 are on a mission to use funky designs to modify a number of …

Heart Rate Monitors

Odette’s Heart Rate Monitor When we are biking or backpacking Odette often laggs behind me.  When I push her to go faster she complains that her heart is already beating too fast and that she needs to let it slow down.  I have observed this even on the stroll back home from Green Lake! Last …

Gulf Islands

FOUR DAYS IN THE GULF ISLANDS JUNE 23 – 26, 2005   June 23rd – Thursday   Ferry left Tsawwassen at 10:00 AM, arrived at Galiano Island at 10:50 AM Left Seattle about 5:30. No issues getting into Canada. Took the wrong exit and drove the Ladner Trunk Road to the causeway. Parked in the …

Spider Gap Books

Beckey, Fred. Cascade Alpine Guide 2: Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass, Climbing and High Routes. Railroad Creek Trail on page 366. Phelps Creek Trail on page 363. Lyman Lake Trail on page 359. Climbing in this area is covered mainly on pages 166 – 171 (Red Mountain, Chiwawa, Dumbell, etc.) and on pages 173 – …

Hundred Highest

Washington’s 100 highest In Search of Higher Ground – Washington’s Top 100 by John Lixvar (Lizard) This essay, reprinted from an earlier Echo, is an excerpt from John Lixvar’s forthcoming book on "Climbing Washington’s 100 Highest Peaks". In order to appease the impatient publishers at Mountaineer Books, Lizard is looking for contributions and/or volunteers to …

Recreation Log

RECREATION LOG 2024 click here for bike rides 5/15 – 5/21 – Bend 3/17 – 3/26 – New York City 2023 9/26 – 10/17 – Portugal 4/16 – 5/8 – Netherlands 2022 (click here for bike rides) 11/5 – 11/19 – Mallorca & Madrid 9/6-9 – Winthrop 7/19 – 8/11 France & Germany 4/6 – …