Potential trips in Eastern Oregon / Washington

********************************************************************* Selkirk drive to Metaline Falls – 375 miles / 6 hrs – ride 5 day / 280 miles route consider adding north Kootenay Lake side trip  (110 miles / 2 days)drive back to Leavenworth (250 miles, 2:45) ride Plain loop – 39 miles. drive home ********************************************************************* Grand Coulee drive to Twisp – 230 miles …

2024 Recent Rides

Other Years 7/15  – Interurban to 92nd to College to NSCC Bridge / 100th to 5th to 105th to 8th to 115th to  Pinehurst to 15th to 135th to 25th to 147th to 27th to 155th to 37th to 165th to the Burke Gilman to Riverside to 175th.  Woodinville-Duvall to 156th to Bostian  to  Paradise Valley to Mink to Bear Creek to 132nd to …

2022 Mallorca

Between November 5 and November 19 Jerry and Odette biked on Mallorca and visited museums in Madrid At the end of our summer trip to Alsace and Berlin I thought we had agreed to take a non-bike trip somewhere warm, instead of our usual ski trip.  I put in a plug for Mallorca because I’d …

2022 Winthrop

From September 6th to September 9th Jerry and Odette rode tandem out of Winthrop.   I’d been talking for months about a trip to Eastern Washington.  I wanted to repeat the Grand Coulee ride we’d done a couple of times, and I wanted to ride the Tour de Okanogan route again.  Odette hoped I’d forget …

2022 – Alsace and Berlin

On July 19th Odette and Jerry flew to Paris and caught a train to Strasbourg. After touring for seven days they took another train from Frieberg to Berlin  where they stayed with Will, rode for another six days and then caught a train to Amsterdam for an eventual flight home on August 11th. At Christmas …

Recent Rides 2021

other years   12/25 – Interurban to 90th to Wallingford to 100th / NSCC bridge to 5th to 105th to 8th to 115th to 28th to 110th to 39th to 105th to 45th to 94th to the Burke Gilman. The Ravenna bypass to Greenlake to Woodland to 60th  and home on 1st NW.    here’s the map.  16 miles on the Centurion (final 2021 – 15,056 with 2,705 …

Recent rides 2020

  (other years)   12/31 – 1st NW to 56th to 4th to the Ballard Greenway at 58th.   Burke Gilman to  Ravena to the Ravenna bypass to Greenlake to Winona to 73rd to Greenwood and home on 62nd.  Here’s the map.  15 miles on the Ibis with Odette.  (Q4 split = 14,200 with 4,989 tandem) 12/30 – Fremont to …

2019: Ibis ==> Rohloff

The Continuing Conversion of The Ibis Here is the story of the acquisition of our Ibis Forte, it’s restoration and the later upgrade of the drivetrain to a Rene Herse 10-speed triple. Here is a post about shearing off the tabs on that Rene Herse spider. Here is a series of posts about converting a …

Recent Rides 2019

(OTHER YEARS)   12/31 –  Interurban to 90th to Wallingford to 92nd to 5th to 95th to  Roosevelt to Pinehurst to 15th to 135th to 25th to 150th to 27th to 155th to 37th to 165th to the Burke Gilman to Riverside to 175th.  Woodinville-Duvall to 156th to Bostian to Yew to Downes to Echo Lake to Lost Lake to Welch to …