2023 – Portugal

From September 26th to October 17th Jerry and Odette rode the tandem on a loop in Southern Portugal, followed by a week of sightseeing in Lisbon  Odette wanted to go to Portugal.  It seemed like everyone we knew was going there this year.  She settled on Elsewhere (the Lonely Planet product) based on their website and …

2023 Amsterdam Pt 3

Amsterdam 2023 Keukenhoff Zandvoort Stedelijk / Vondlepark Rijksmuseum History Museum   Maritime Museum  

2023 – Amsterdam

Between April 16th and May 8th Odette and Jerry rode the tandem from Amsterdam to Bruges (and back) and then explored Amsterdam for a week   Holland is flat.  Flatter than Berlin.     After our trip to Mallorca, Odette admitted that touring on individual bikes wasn’t realistic.  She went looking for someplace flat for …


From: Lucia – Cycle Fiesta Date: Tue, Oct 25, 2022 at 4:35 AM Subject: COMPLETE INFO PACK To: Odette Batik   Hello Odette, Below you can find the invitation link to access your complete info pack: https://ridewithgps.com/auto_approve/Event/195434/PZnRAwXiZppusj5I I also attach few PDF files with useful contacts ( such as hotels & addresses), general information, itinerary, points …

2022 – Alsace and Berlin

On July 19th Odette and Jerry flew to Paris and caught a train to Strasbourg. After touring for seven days they took another train from Frieberg to Berlin  where they stayed with Will, rode for another six days and then caught a train to Amsterdam for an eventual flight home on August 11th. At Christmas …