Alpine Lakes 2005

ALPINE LAKES 2005, or: Dr. B471l< and the 1337 H1l<3R5   I started off in the spring of 2005 thinking about doing a backpack into the Dutch Miller peaks. My plan was to hike the East Fork Foss trail through the Necklace Valley, scramble up to La Bohn lakes and then walk over to Williams …

Hundred Highest

Washington’s 100 highest In Search of Higher Ground – Washington’s Top 100 by John Lixvar (Lizard) This essay, reprinted from an earlier Echo, is an excerpt from John Lixvar’s forthcoming book on "Climbing Washington’s 100 Highest Peaks". In order to appease the impatient publishers at Mountaineer Books, Lizard is looking for contributions and/or volunteers to …

Exercise Log

{table} In order to get the least expensive ("gold") level of medical coverage through King County I had to log my exercise for 60 days. I started immediately after losing my job so I had nothing better to do… Date Minutes Notes Apr 24, 2007 30 light gym workout (20 minutes on stairmaster and 10 …

Book Keywords

KEY WORD SEARCHES. climbing – all books about getting to the top of stuff climb guide – "where to" guides climb technique – "how to" books climb gear – small number of books about hardware climb literature – literature (mainly climbing narratives) about climbing, much of it away from the Cascades hiking – all books …