Recreation Log

RECREATION LOG 2024 click here for bike rides 5/15 – 5/21 – Bend 3/17 – 3/26 – New York City 2023 9/26 – 10/17 – Portugal 4/16 – 5/8 – Netherlands 2022 (click here for bike rides) 11/5 – 11/19 – Mallorca & Madrid 9/6-9 – Winthrop 7/19 – 8/11 France & Germany 4/6 – …

Book Keywords

KEY WORD SEARCHES. climbing – all books about getting to the top of stuff climb guide – "where to" guides climb technique – "how to" books climb gear – small number of books about hardware climb literature – literature (mainly climbing narratives) about climbing, much of it away from the Cascades hiking – all books …