Goat Rocks 2004

GOAT ROCKS LOOP   2004 did not start auspiciously.  PASC sold to ACS in January.  The euphoria and hard work of making the deal happen were quickly replaced by the struggle to adapt to big-company policies and loss of personal control.  I skipped the Phoenician in January to teach snowboarding to adolescents at Snoqualmie Pass.  …

Holden Books

First, here is a web site: HOLDEN VILLAGE. Then, here are some books: Woodmansee, Mike – Trekking Washington, Seattle, The Mountaineers, 2003. “Across the Great Cascades and Back” (pp 134 – 143) covers much the same territory. (He would have you start at the Suiattle River trailhead, hike to Image Lake and over Cloudy Pass …

Holden 2003

RETURN TO HOLDEN: LAKES AND LADIES BACKPACK August 23, 2003. Hot. Dry. Seattle’s been almost sixty days without rain. Big fires in BC and the Pasayten. Labor Day’s a week away. School’s about to start. Will and I take off for another extended backpack. This year Odette wants to come with us… Will’s big enough …

Enchantments 2002

ENCHANTMENTS REDEUX Will and I, together with Art and Arthur Freeman, spent August 3 – August 12, 2002 in the Enchantments. We got to the Leavenworth ranger station to pick up our permit at about 9:15 on Saturday morning. We stopped at a bakery and were on the trail by 10:30. We took breaks every …

Devils Loop Books

Beckey, Fred. Cascade Alpine Guide 3: Rainy Pass to Fraser River. pp 196 – 200 for climbing route descriptions of Crater, Jack and Jackita mountains. pp 185 – 193 for really excellent commentary on geography, geology, and history of the area. Canyon Creek trail on p 387. McMillan Park – Jackita Ridge trail on p …

Spider Gap Books

Beckey, Fred. Cascade Alpine Guide 2: Stevens Pass to Rainy Pass, Climbing and High Routes. Railroad Creek Trail on page 366. Phelps Creek Trail on page 363. Lyman Lake Trail on page 359. Climbing in this area is covered mainly on pages 166 – 171 (Red Mountain, Chiwawa, Dumbell, etc.) and on pages 173 – …

Spider Gap 2000

SPIDER GAP TO HOLDEN The week before labor day in 2000 Will and I hiked from Phelps Creek to Holden. On Saturday morning Odette dropped us off at the Phelps creek trailhead (about three miles from the old mining town of Trinity.) It was a day of broken clouds with a forecast of unsettled weather …

Small Expeditions

SMALL EXPEDITIONS Odette and I backpacked quite a bit before Will was born – in fact he was conceived way up Thunder Creek. When Will was really tiny we did a few trips and even though they worked they were complicated by all the baby stuff I had to carry. As Will got older we …

Pickets Books

PICKET RANGE BOOK LIST   Jim Nelson & Peter Potterfield – Selected Climbs in The Cascades. Luna Peak p. 197. “With a hard approach and a 3rd-class route on mediocre rock, the climb of Luna Peak has little to recommend it except the setting and the view – a view into what is probably the …


The Picket Range – August 6 – 13, 2004 The mountains in the Picket Range got good names. Luna. Fury. Phantom. Terror. Challenger. Everybody that writes about them seems to start out by commenting on that. The Picket that they’re named after was Captain George Pickett – a distant relative of mine who became famous …