Describe the proposed project and its relationship to the surface transportation system. Reference the maps attached to this application to aid review of each response
This trail project is the last major Missing Link in the Tacoma to Seattle Regional Interurban/Green River Trail System serving the major urban centers and areas of the Central Puget Sound metropolitan region. The Edgewood Interurban Trail project encompasses the remaining 2.66 miles of the historic Tacoma to Tacoma Interurban Electric Railway Line right-of-way that runs through the City of Edgewood as well as the connecting segments of trail corridor in the City of Milton and City of Pacific. This trail corridor is the final critical connecting link of the larger 33 mile regional trail system of converted historic Interurban rail-to-trail and Green River Regional Trails and will, with full implementation, provide the vital final missing and activating link in this important regional non-motorized transportation system serving many of the key urban centers and areas of southern King County and Northern Pierce County. The City of Milton’s 2.5 mile portion of Interurban Right-of-Way has already been purchased only a .22 mile portion remains to be designed and constructed. The purchase of the 1.88 miles of Interurban Right-of-Way through Edgewood is nearly complete between Puget Sound Energy (PSE) and Pierce County (Through the Conservation Futures Program). The City of Pacific has .55 miles remaining (with .20 miles of PSE/Interurban Right-of-Way to purchase) to connect the current southern end of the developed Interurban Regional Trail with the Edgewood Interurban Trail segment. Once this segment of trail is complete the Interurban Regional Trail will directly serve not only the local urban centers and areas of Edgewood, Milton, Pacific, SE Federal Way and Sumner but also the regional urban centers and areas of Tacoma, Fife, Algona, Auburn, Kent, Renton, SeaTac, Tukwila and Seattle. See attached Edgewood Interurban Trail Local Service Area Map and Regional Interurban and Urban Centers Trails Map. These maps illustrate how at local and regional levels the Interurban, once complete; will provide a continuous capacity for safe and efficient non-motorized travel from Tacoma to Seattle as well as activating and connecting the other intersecting regional and local trails and open space within southern King county and northern Pierce County.
The project connects or links to a nonmotorized system or network. The project as a key component piece of a regional, county and local community multi-use separated bike and pedestrian trail. It will be the only designated, safe and separated nonmotorized trail on and off "The Hill" which is the high plateau area of Edgewood, Milton, Jovita/South King County and Southeast Federal Way. Connected Valley communities such as Fife, Pacific and Sumner will also have a means to access "The Hill" while otherwise enabled to travel to from key other key urban centers/areas between Tacoma and Seattle
The project connects or links to other multimodal facilities (such as transit stations). The project will connect the two major north south transportation/transit corridors in the central Puget Sound. The commuter rail and stations (Sumner, Auburn and Puyallup), SR167 Regional Transit system with associated park and ride facilities at key interchanges in the valley, SR 161 (Enchanted Parkway/Meridian), and Interstate 5 transportation/Transit Corridors.
The project addresses current nonmotorized needs in the community, e.g., – gaps in the system; safety issues, etc. As the Interurban Trail will be only separated multiuse nonmotorized transportation facilitiy in "The Hill" area and it is the final and critical missing link or gap in the Regional Tacoma to Seattle Interurban/Green River Trail System. the project provides a tremendous transportation, cultural, aesthetic and economic benefit to the commercial and civic centers of Edgewood and Milton, the neighborhoods and schools of Edgewood and Jovita, and of surrounding and connected communities.
Describe how the proposed project addresses the Enhancement activity criteria.
The Edgewood Interurban Trail Project meets and matches the goals, purpose and threshold criteria established for the Transportation Enhancement Program. The project encompasses a diverse balance of intermodal transportation connectivity and accessibility, historic and environmental resource rehabilitation, and community development. The Edgewood Interurban Trail Project is first and foremost a key high connectivity non-motorized (bicycle, pedestrian, and equestrian), multiple use, heritage rails-to-trails and separated transportation system project. It is a key transportation and recreation policy and implementation goal of not only the City of Edgewood’s Comprehensive Plan but also of the Puget Sound Regional Council’s Vision 2020, Destination 2030 and the Regional Bicycle and Pedestrian Implementation Strategy for the Central Puget Sound and the comprehensive planning goals policies for non-motorized transportation, parks, open space and recreation, historic preservation and interpretation, and critical area protection of all of the interurban corridor communities
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